Nancy Pelosi’s Guide to
Proper American & Un-American Activities
Making fun of the Snitch Line at – PRICELESS
Making fun of the Snitch Line at – PRICELESS
Tags: free speech·Health Care Reform Debate·nancy pelosi·newspeak·Obamacare·Pelosi·Politics·Town Hall Meetings·Un-American
We’ve uncovered a training video that Nancy Pelosi and Steny Hoyer have produced to illustrate their approved, “healthy” debate techniques:
Tags: Congress·Health Care Reform Debate·Hoyer·Pelosi·Politics·Town Hall Meetings·Un-American
Happy Fourth of July!
We right wing extremists will be celebrating by roasting tasty animals over fire, watching the 2009 Daytona 400, and giving a BIG thanks that we were born in the greatest country in the world.
If you’re not sure why today is such a big day for America, here’s a Schoolhouse Rock video that sums it up in 3 minutes. Note the words at .41:
Like Thomas Paine once wrote:
It’s only common sense
That if a government won’t give you your basic rights
You’d better get another government.
My new hero is a woman named Janet Contreras from our home state of Arizona. She wrote a brilliant letter to Glenn Beck, and I was just informed that he read it on the air today during the “Glenn Beck” Show on FOX.
I read the letter and I am moved. It’s almost exactly what I have been thinking and saying about the state of our Nation, how Democrats and Republicans don’t represent the people any longer, and how we, the people, will be coming for those who don’t care to represent us or the Constitution.
Here is the letter in full – The Glenn Beck Letter by Janet Contreras
IMHO, this letter is going to be BIG, and will serve as the rallying cry for those of us who are fed up with being overtaxed, overworked, and under-listened to.
Republican, Democrat or Libertarian – your party affiliation, or lack of, does not matter. You need to read this if you feel that you are no longer being represented.
In case you’re not sold yet, here’s one of my favorite paragraphs and one of the best statements:
From my perspective, it seems that all of you have gone insane. I also know that I am far from alone in these feelings. Do you honestly feel that your current pursuits have merit to patriotic Americans? We want it to stop. We want to put the brakes on everything that is being rushed by us and forced upon us. We want our voice back. You have forced us to put our lives on hold to straighten out the mess that you are making. We will have to give up our vacations, our time spent with our children, any relaxation time we may have had and money we cannot afford to spend on you to bring our concerns to Washington. Our president often knows all the right buzzword is unsustainable. Well, no kidding. How many tens of thousands of dollars did the focus group cost to come up with that word? We don’t want your overpriced words. Stop treating us like we’re morons.
We didn’t ask for this fight. But the gloves are coming off. We do not come in violence, but we are angry. You will represent us or you will be replaced with someone who will. There are candidates among us when he will rise like a Phoenix from the ashes that you have made of our constitution.
Tags: Congress·Conservative values·Democrats·Glenn Beck·Libertarian·Obama·Republicans
We’d like to pay tribute to those who have made the ultimate sacrifice for our country with a Memorial Day weekend photo essay. These images were taken at Wesley Bolin Memorial Plaza in Phoenix, Arizona during the Phoenix Tax Day Tea Party on April 15th, 2009. Wesley Bolin Plaza is located in front of the Arizona State Capitol, and there are 23 memorials paying tribute to our lost soldiers. The memorials are dedicated to various conflicts, including World War I & II, the Korean War, Vietnam War and Desert Storm (The Gulf War).
We invite you to take a stroll through Wesley Bolin Memorial park to see the rest of the memorials in person.
Tags: America·Memorial Day·US Military·Wesley Bolin Memorial Plaza
The 2009 NRA Annual Meeting and Exhibits kicked off on Friday Phoenix. The theme of the NRA convention is a “Celebration of American Values“ and the concept really shines through. The crowds were huge, but polite, and included people from all walks of life. The lines to get into the hall were long, with turnout appearing to be much higher than expected. If you plan on going, be prepared to wait in line, I can assure you its worth it. Although grumbling about waiting in line could be heard from some in the crowd, my fellow gun owners were polite and courteous to each other. I’m sure that anyone who hasn’t been around gun culture would be shocked to find out that law abiding gun owners treat each other with a great deal of respect, far more than you get walking through a mall, stadium, or airport.
Once inside the exhibit hall, the massive scale of the convention becomes apparent. The vendor exhibits and various shooting association displays covered a full six acres of floor space. The guns on display ranged from antique muzzle loading flintlocks to the latest in tactical firearms. The NRA Store features an extensive range of NRA merchandise that is far too long to list here. DPMS brought a semi-trailer inside the convention center, the walls covered with various calibers and configurations of AR-15 based rifles. If fact, virtually all AR-15 manufacturers were represented at the show. Ruger officially joined the AR-15 market with their introduction a piston driven AR, the Ruger SR-556. Checkout NUGUNS site for photos, videos, and additional information about the Ruger SR-556.
My time walking around the exhibit hall was cut short by the need to get to the Celebration of American Values Leadership Forum at U.S. Airways Arena. The Leadership Forum will be covered in greater detail in another post, until then, check out the Snowflakes in Hell live blogging of the NRA Leadership Forum to get a feel for what the speakers had to say.
The day was capped off by mixer at Majerley’s in downtown Phoenix with The Outdoor Channel’s star of the popular show the Shooting Gallery, Mr. Michael Bane (he is a hoot to hang out with). A big thank you to Tactical Solutions and Insight Tech Gear for providing attendees with some great swag.
Tags: american values·gun culture·NRA·NRA Convention
The first event of the 2009 NRA Annual Meeting and Exhibits, held in Phoenix, Arizona, was the Grassroots Workshop put on by the NRA Institute for Legislative Action (ILA) at the Sheraton. The grassroots activists were seated by state, so that they could begin networking with other politically active members.
The workshop started with a rousing speech by Dick Heller of the Heller vs. D.C. Supreme Court case. Mr. Heller made history recently when he won his case and the Supreme Court, for the first time ever, affirmed that the 2nd Amendment protects an individual’s right to keep and bear arms. Mr. Heller continues to fight for gun rights and encouraged attendees to fight for their rights by recruiting new NRA members and actively supporting political candidates who support gun rights.
The Powerful Gun Lobby (Voters)
The grassroots attendees are what the media and anti-gun activists refer to as “the powerful gun lobby.” Looking around the room, it was obvious that the media’s bogeyman was a room filled with 375 average, politically conscious, neighborhood housewives, fathers, sons and daughters – all ordinary Americans.
Various NRA staff gave moving speeches and highlighted current legislative initiatives that either help protect the rights of gun owners, or threaten those rights. President Obama was praised several times for his stimulus of the gun industry and bolstering the NRA’s membership roster.
I'm a bitter gun owner and I vote.
Attendees at the workshop were encouraged to write, or call, their congressmen in opposition or support of gun related legislation. The get-out-the-vote message was also very clear. The message – encourage other gun owners to register to vote, vote in all available elections, and to join the NRA. Attendees were encouraged to exercise their rights to speak out, to peacefully assemble, to petition our government, to vote, and to keep and bear arms. American exceptionalism at its finest! We live in the only country in the world where these rights are enshrined. The NRA wants people to exercise all of their rights in order to protect their freedoms and insure liberty for all.
For additional information on legislative issues, or how you can become involved, please go to the NRA-ILA webpage.