Comedy troupe extraordinaire, The Whitest Kids U’ Know, brings you the most honest campaign ad you’ll never see.
Entries Tagged as 'Humor'
Clint Webb for Senate – An Honest Politician
Tags: AZ Senate Race·Clint Webb·political humor·WKUK
The Ultimate Lawn Care Tool – M1 Garand
Fed Ex was kind enough to drop off a shiny CMP Special Springfield M1 Garand today. The ‘born on’ date for this rifle is somewhere in October/November of 1943. It looks great at 66 years old and I’m sure it will be fun to shoot.
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It should do the job until I can afford a Dillon Aero.
UPDATE: If you’ve arrived looking for M1 Garand care and maintenance information, just about everything you need to know is at the CMP M1 Garand page. M1 Garand Armory has detailed information on heat lots, serial numbers, and more.
Tags: dillon aero·Guns·m1 garand
2009 Republican Party Platform
The 2008 Republican Party Platform was recently revised for 2009, and we present it to you in its entirety:
National Security _______________________
Government Reform _____________________
Economy _____________________________
Energy _______________________________
Environment __________________________
Health Care ___________________________
Education ____________________________
Crime _______________________________
Values ______________________________
These positions could also be summarized as – Tacit approval of anything President Obama wants done…

Tags: GOP·platform·political humor·political issues·Politics·republican
Nancy Pelosi Newspeak
Nancy Pelosi’s Guide to
Proper American & Un-American Activities
Making fun of the Snitch Line at – PRICELESS
Tags: free speech·Health Care Reform Debate·nancy pelosi·newspeak·Obamacare·Pelosi·Politics·Town Hall Meetings·Un-American
Obama Gets His Bling On
President Obama landed in Saudia Arabia yesterday to kick off his Rock the Casbah Middle East Tour 2009. His first show of the tour happened at Saudi King Abdullah’s ranch in al-Janadriya, just outside Riyadh. King Abdullah, in an act of stately hospitality and generousity, gave President Obama the ultimate bling, the King Abdul Aziz Order of Merit. During the presentation, you could hear the distant wailing of a mad Brit Prime Minister trying to get a US coded DVD to play at 10 Downing Street.

Obama Gets His Bling - Image courtesy of AFP, I owe you escargot next time I see you.

President Obama and King Abdullah - Image courtesy of AFP, thanks guys!
The whole scene reminded me of a music skit from the Comedy Central show, Mind of Mencia. Something about rich Arabs and heavy gold rope chains rang a bell. How about that! The video just happens to be right here. Don’t watch it if you are easily offended, hate rap music spoofs, hate cultural insensitivity, don’t like midgets, or are a member of Greenpeace.
Mind of Mencia | ||||
The Rich Sheik | ||||
Who says we impose our values on other countries?
In a demonstration of Republican party responsiveness to Meghan McCain‘s expert political advice, even before she became a Republican, former President George Bush got his bling on in Riyadh back in 2008.

President Bush gets his bling on - Photo courtesy of AP
Tags: cultural insensitivity·Humor·mind of mencia the rich sheik·Obama·obama bling·obama visit·political humor·saudi king abdullah·ultimate bling
No Child Left Behind
This is a funny 60 minutes spoof of a “No Child Left Behind” PSA by a rapper named “Phat Man”. The video clip is from David Alan Grier’s “Chocolate News” show.
Warning – this video contains salty bleeped language and MTV style hip hop video content.
Why do they hate us?
Sen. Joe Biden Explains Obama’s Plan for the Economy
Sen. Joe Biden explains Obama’s plan for the economy to a “Bosniac.”
As a fitting tribute to the O’Biden tax plan, here’s David Zucker’s prescient Taxman Ad from the 2006 election.
Tags: 2008·Election Debates·federal government·Joe Biden·Obama·obama administration·Politics