Welcome to M14 National Monument, please keep your head down and stay with the group. We wouldn’t want anything bad to happen to you while you visit Organ Pipe National Monument, where the border is more secure than ever.
Liz Goodwin recently wrote about her visit to Organ Pipe National Monument. About 69% of the park has been closed since 2002, when Park Ranger Kris Eggle was murdered by drug runners.

As Ms. Goodwin notes, things have improved at the park. Since 2009, you can take a van tour to the springs in the park, but you’ll be escorted by Park Rangers protected with bullet proof vests and armed with M14 Battle Rifles. Oh yeah, there will be more officers in the hills keeping watch for cartel members that may ruin your day. Due to increased law enforcement presence, on March 1st, 2012, around 46% of the monument will be open to visitors. Let that sink in. You can’t visit 54% of your national monument because, it’s just too dangerous.

The danger to visitors in Organ Pipe National Monument is even higher than Saguaro National Monument and Coronado National Memorial. The Mexican drug trade to the United States is at least $39 billion per year, and the thousands of weapons trafficked South by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives remains unquantified. We need to evaluate the loss of access to parts of the U.S. and the increase in wealth of certain political elites who fight to make more of our borderland “protected environmental areas”. Certainly, gun control wasn’t the only motivation for the criminal Operation Fast and Furious.

For some perspective, the DMZ between North and South Korea is a safer place to visit. Just remember when Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Secretary Janet Napolitano and President Obama claim that “border security is better than ever“, it all depends on what the meaning of the word “is” actually is.
If you think the porous border isn’t a serious issue, just remember, when you eat a cheap burger, admire your inexpensively manicured lawn, or snort a line of cheap cocaine, there is a enormous price paid by some Americans (and Mexicans) for that little luxury you enjoy, while you smugly pine that you are looking out for those less fortunate than you.
Tags: alcohol tobacco firearms·Arizona·arizona state representative·bureau of alcohol tobacco firearms·bureau of alcohol tobacco firearms and explosives·chicago friends·Democrats·USA
Ten of Arizona’s County Sheriffs joined together to demand accountability for those involved in Operation Fast and Furious, a Federally sponsored gun running program which supplied weapons to Mexican drug cartels from at least ten U.S. cities. The Justice Department and Eric Holder have been obstructing a House Oversight Committee investigation into the operation that went as planned.
Cochise County Sheriff Larry Dever called Operation Fast and Furious a dishonor to law enforcement and a betrayal of law enforcement officers everywhere. These weapons have been used in crimes on both sides of the border. One of the weapons passed to the cartels by the Bureau of Alcohol Tobacco Firearms and Explosives (ATF) was used during the murder of Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry in December 2010. Agent Terry’s brother Kent Terry said,”My family and I are very thankful for the Sheriffs of Arizona and the fact they are helping us demand justice for my brother’s murder.”
Pinal County Sheriff Paul Babeu held the press conference at the base of the Peace Officers Memorial, where Agent Terry’s name has been etched.
Sheriff Babeu was joined by nine other Sheriffs, four other Republicans and five Democrats. They made the call for a special investigator into the operation, Eric Holder’s resignation or firing, and criminal charges for those accountable. Sheriff Babeu also noted the Sheriffs found out about the operation through press accounts. (months after the Sipsey Street Irregulars blog broke the story.) He also suggested that the investigation needs to investigate other departments involved in the operation, such as the FBI, DEA, Department of Homeland Security, and the State Department.
Sheriff Larry Dever expressed his embarrassment that he had to apologize for the criminal actions of other elected officials.
One reporter noted a prior operation called Operation Wide Receiver, and mindlessly alluded to this being a partisan jab. If the lazy, partisan reporter had bothered to spend a minute on Google, she would have found out that the firearms in Operation Wide Receiver actually had tracking devices and were under surveillance. Operation Wide Receiver didn’t go as planned, the guns were lost and the program cancelled as a failure. The lazy reporter could then understand that a plan to illegally sell firearms to felons to deliver to Mexican drug cartels, without tracking or surveillance, could not be the next step in an investigation.
Navajo County Sheriff KC Clark said, “I’m outraged that our own Federal Government has betrayed local law enforcement by arming violent foreign criminals and it now appears that Attorney General Eric Holder may have lied under oath.”
Yavapai County Sheriff Scott Mascher said, “The Attorney General can’t be trusted to fairly self-investigate these possible criminal charges of gun running which has resulted in murders of both individuals from the U.S. and Mexico. A Special Counsel must be appointed.”
Previously, pro-second Amendment blogger Bob Owens was a lone voice calling for a Special Prosecutor. As more and more evidence of perjury and White House participation are released, the chorus grows stronger. Even congressman Paul Gosar has suggested that participants in this illegal operation are “vigilantes from DOJ going unchecked” and accessories to murder.
It is time for the President’s staff to stop playing politics with Operation Fast and Furious. This scandal is worse than Watergate, as people have been murdered in this scandal. The President must appoint a special investigator to bring those responsible to justice, or have the history of his administration forever tarnished by this corrupt, murderous operation.
You can watch part 1 of 2 of the Arizona Sheriffs Press Conference – Fast and Furious on Sheriff Babeu’s Facebook page: http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?v=845666435535
Part 2 of 2 of the Arizona Sheriffs Press Conference – Fast and Furious on Sheriff Babeu’s Facebook page.
Tags: alcohol tobacco firearms·bureau of alcohol tobacco firearms·Congress·federal government·Politics·second amendment
Gunblogger Bob Owens, a writer for Bob’s Gun Counter and Confederate Yankee blogs, has put his money-where-his-mouth-is for what is right. Like many of us, Bob has been following the Congressional hearings into the Bureau of Alcohol Tobacco Firearms and Explosives (BATFE, also known as ATF) critically flawed and “unconventional investigation” into weapons smuggling into Mexico. The “investigation” is known as Operation Fast & Furious, Project Gunrunner, and a few other names that obscure how broad the investigation’s failures actually are. Congressman Darrell Issa has referred to Operation Fast & Furious as “felony stupid”. Bob believes, like many others, that the operation wasn’t just stupid.
How unconventional was the investigation?
ATF, with the cooperation of the Department of Justice and other Federal agencies, decided that the best way to stop the flow of smuggled weapons from the United States into Mexico was to ship more weapons. A few thousand more weapons!
If you want the Cliffs Notes version, checkout John Stewart’s coverage of the Congressional hearings into Operation Fast & Furious, as his Daily Show assessment is far more honest than the outright partisan distortions by Arizona’s newspaper of record.
How did Bob Owens lay it on the line?
Bob has extensively covered scandals like the death of Marine veteran Jose Guereña at the hands of the Pima County SWAT team, as well as extensively covering Operation Fast & Furious, Project Gunrunner. This time, he has filed a written request with the Federal Government’s Office of Special Counsel, requesting the appointment of an independent Special Prosecutor to investigate the failed operation that lead to the deaths of at least three U.S. law enforcement officers, as many as 150 Mexican law enforcement officers, and possibly thousands of Mexican citizens.
Why would you call that laying it on the line?
Well, Bob is presumably a gun owner, who is certainly in the United States, petitioning his government to seek redress in a case of government wrong-doing. A wrong-doing that at a minimum is:
- Negligent “felony stupid” that deserves jail time for responsible parties.
- A blunder caused by an abuse of political power used to pursue an anti-gun agenda “by any means necessary”
- Or at worst, corruption of U.S. government officials that we could only imagine happening in Mexico.
Whatever the level of corruption, it is so important that Attorney General Eric Holder and other high ranking officials have risked Contempt charges by refusing to turn over documents and otherwise cooperate in the Congressional investigation.
Our hats are off to you!
We here at GreatSatanInc.com salute Bob in taking a stand against this horrific injustice, perpetrated by government officials who allegedly serve the citizens. When the stakes are this high, it takes courage to stand up for what is right. May God bless you and keep you safe, Bob. You are doing the right thing!
Tags: alcohol tobacco firearms·America·Arizona·bureau of alcohol tobacco firearms·bureau of alcohol tobacco firearms and explosives·congressman darrell issa·federal government