That’s right, Arizona House Bill 2625 does nothing!
HB2625, sponsored by AZ House Majority Whip Debbie Lesko, allows employers to opt-out of certain mandated benefits, based on the business owner’s beliefs. It doesn’t authorize the firing of women, it doesn’t violate the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), it won’t deprive women of health care or contraceptive choices, kill kittens, or dictate the color of your panties.
HB2625 merely lets a business owner choose what they will and won’t pay for in the reproductive health insurance area. Contrary to the ACLU’s dishonest agitprop, the bill doesn’t, “give your boss the green light to fire you for using birth control.” It does prevent employees and politicians from forcing their beliefs onto a business owner. An employer’s rights shouldn’t be any different than yours.
Sadly, there are allegedly liberated women, freaking out that the government might not use laws to take care of their tender bits. Shocking isn’t it?
This outraged woman happily shared her personal details with Arizona State Representative Brenda Barton and everyone else on Facebook. Alvin (not her real name) can’t claim privacy rights when she’s posting the details of her period for the whole world to see.

I thought most women wanted the government to stay out of their nether regions. These outraged women are unfortunately getting false information and haven’t stepped back to look at the situation. If you invite the government, and your employer, into your “women’s healthcare” issues, don’t be surprised when the government, or your boss, wants to have a say in what you do with those body parts. This bill removes your boss and your government from your reproductive organs.
If you believe contraceptive issues are your private business, please support HB2625 and don’t use the government to force other people to pay for your beliefs.
Tags: arizona state representative·government·Health Care·health insurance·Laws·politicians
Welcome to M14 National Monument, please keep your head down and stay with the group. We wouldn’t want anything bad to happen to you while you visit Organ Pipe National Monument, where the border is more secure than ever.
Liz Goodwin recently wrote about her visit to Organ Pipe National Monument. About 69% of the park has been closed since 2002, when Park Ranger Kris Eggle was murdered by drug runners.

As Ms. Goodwin notes, things have improved at the park. Since 2009, you can take a van tour to the springs in the park, but you’ll be escorted by Park Rangers protected with bullet proof vests and armed with M14 Battle Rifles. Oh yeah, there will be more officers in the hills keeping watch for cartel members that may ruin your day. Due to increased law enforcement presence, on March 1st, 2012, around 46% of the monument will be open to visitors. Let that sink in. You can’t visit 54% of your national monument because, it’s just too dangerous.

The danger to visitors in Organ Pipe National Monument is even higher than Saguaro National Monument and Coronado National Memorial. The Mexican drug trade to the United States is at least $39 billion per year, and the thousands of weapons trafficked South by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives remains unquantified. We need to evaluate the loss of access to parts of the U.S. and the increase in wealth of certain political elites who fight to make more of our borderland “protected environmental areas”. Certainly, gun control wasn’t the only motivation for the criminal Operation Fast and Furious.

For some perspective, the DMZ between North and South Korea is a safer place to visit. Just remember when Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Secretary Janet Napolitano and President Obama claim that “border security is better than ever“, it all depends on what the meaning of the word “is” actually is.
If you think the porous border isn’t a serious issue, just remember, when you eat a cheap burger, admire your inexpensively manicured lawn, or snort a line of cheap cocaine, there is a enormous price paid by some Americans (and Mexicans) for that little luxury you enjoy, while you smugly pine that you are looking out for those less fortunate than you.
Tags: alcohol tobacco firearms·Arizona·arizona state representative·bureau of alcohol tobacco firearms·bureau of alcohol tobacco firearms and explosives·chicago friends·Democrats·USA
Hunting Works for Arizona held a presentation and sporting clays shoot in December at Ben Avery Shooting Range Facility. Hunting Works for Arizona (HWFA) was created to promote the economic partnership that exists within the hunting and shooting communities and the greater Arizona economy.

From the
Hunting Works for Arizona webpage:
Our membership consists of businesses representing a cross-section of the Arizona economy. These include sporting retailers big and small, restaurant owners, hotel, motel and resort operators, gas stations and convenience stores, hunting and shooting organizations, chambers of commerce and of course all the taxpayers of Arizona (hunters and non-hunters alike) who benefit economically and aesthetically from the license fees, taxes, and jobs the hunting and shooting industry provides both directly and indirectly.
How much direct economic impact does hunting have in Arizona?
- $323 million in direct annual spending on lodging, food, gas, and gear.
- Creating 4,700 jobs with $107.5 million in salaries and wages.
- Paying $15.3 million in Arizona sales, fuel and income taxes.
- A more than $429.3 million total impact on the state economy.

Ben Avery Clay Target Center
HWFA Co-Chair and Arizona State Representative Jerry Weiers noted just how expensive it can be to hunt, due to planned and unplanned expenses, as he shared a few of his hunting stories.
Mark Thomas, Director of Communications for the National Shooting Sports Foundation addressed how intertwined hunters, sport shooters, hoteliers and even law enforcement officers are effected by anti-gun and anti-hunting efforts.
Mr. Thomas noted how the intent of lead ammunition bans was not for the safety of animals. The lead ammo bans are a stealth attempt to stop all hunting, under the guise of helping the environment, despite the lack of any supporting evidence. He also noted how a ban on lead ammunition would harm not only sport shooters, but law enforcement officers as well. If lead is banned as an ammunition, our Police officers won’t be able to buy effective ammunition. Unfortunately, almost any lead substitute for bullets would be unacceptable, as the substitute metal would violate the Federal law about mythical “cop-killer-bullets“.
Mr. Thomas also explained how Modern Sporting Rifles (AR-15s) are the hunting rifle choice of today’s returning war Veteran’s and how that is no different than how WWI Veterans chose the .30-06 1903 bolt action rifle for hunting, or how WWII Veterans chose hunting rifles chambered in .30-06 like the M1 Garands they carried during their service to our country. He cautioned hunters that replacing the wood stocks of prior hunting rifles with plastic stocks didn’t change the function of the rifles. AR-15 black rifles, referred to as “assault weapons” by major media outlets, are just similar to the weapons today’s Veterans used while serving, and would be the most logical choice of hunting rifles for today’s military Veterans.

After the presentations, it was time to hit the Rattlesnake Course at Ben Avery Clay Target Center. The best way to describe Sporting Clays is, it’s like golf, only louder and more fun.

Arizona Representative David Gowan Shooting Sporting Clays
In addition to Representative Jerry Weiers, Arizona State
Senator Rick Murphy, AZ State
Representative Karen Fann, AZ State Representative
David Gowan, Representative
Debbie Lesko, and an aide to Congressman
Paul Gosar attended the event.

Federal Ammunition provided the shotgun shells for the match. Thank you Federal, Hunting Works for Arizona, and the awesome staff at Arizona Game & Fish for a great day at the range.
Tags: arizona state representative·mark thomas·national shooting sports foundation
The Arizona Citizens Defense League (AzCDL) held their annual luncheon on Saturday in Tucson. If you are unfamiliar with AzCDL‘s mission:
The purpose of the Arizona Citizens Defense League is to protect individual freedom and laws that attend to it through lobbying, petitioning, fund raising and all lawful means to enforce Article 2, Section 2 of the Constitution of the State of Arizona.
You want to know what Article 2, Section 2 of the Arizona Constitution is about? Well, I’m glad you asked. Article 2, Section 2 states:
Article 2 – Political power; purpose of government
Section 2.
All political power is inherent in the people, and governments derive their just powers from the consent of the governed, and are established to protect and maintain individual rights.
Mz. VRWC and I headed down to the Old Pueblo for the annual celebration of individual rights and some great BBQ. About 400 of AzCDL’s 5,000 members attended the luncheon, and almost everyone open-carried, with a few concealing.
For an event like this, it is customary for the attendees to get dressed up a bit. For many, it meant opening the gun safe and grabbing a pretty gun appropriate for this special event (much like having a strand of pearls or a tuxedo for special occasions).
We had a tasty lunch of barbequed chicken, pork ribs, and beef tri-tip, slaw salad, cobblers and more, catered by Sapphire Catering. As we finished our meal, AzCDL Communications Director and JPFO Executive Director, Charles Heller spoke to the crowd for a bit before turning the microphone over to Arizona State Representative Brenda Barton (AzCDL rated A+) to introduce the rest of the speakers. The speakers included Gabriela Saucedo Mercer, candidate for the Arizona District 7 House seat (running against Raul “boycott my state” Grijalva) and Arizona State Senator Frank Antenori (who is considering a run to replace Rep. Gabriel Giffords). Also in attendance, AZ State Representative John Kavanagh, accepting a lifetime achievement award on behalf of AZ State Senator Russell Pearce, AZ State Senator Paula Aboud, as well as chief’s of staff for various other legislators. It’s always good to see that elected citizens aren’t afraid to be around those they represent.
There were even raffles for various firearms. Despite the Smallest Minority handing us two raffle tickets before retiring for an early siesta, we did not win the Ruger LC9 he should have won. However we did steal win a faux zebra skin rifle case (perfect for Mz. VRWC’s tactical shotgun) and a family membership to Shooters World, an air conditioned indoor range in Phoenix, at the silent auction.
Long story short, the annual luncheon was a pleasure and again, members were given the microphone to suggest new laws they wanted to fight for, as well as laws they wanted repealed. I have no doubt that AzCDL will continue the fight to maintain and regain our liberties.
Bottom line, don’t pay any attention to the lazy hippies and communists putting on their Occupy Wall Street demonstration (sidewalk camping). They won’t accomplish anything sitting around whining for “change” and whining for handouts. Joining, supporting, and participating in a group that represents and lobbies for your interests will get you the government you want and deserve.
If your state doesn’t have an organization like AzCDL, consider starting your own group. Citizens have a right to the same access and persuasion as any other special interest. The power is yours, if you want it.

Tags: Arizona·arizona constitution·arizona state representative·government·individual freedom·Laws·legislators·Politics