It’s become a tradition for the cast members of Top Shot to meet up for a casual reunion during SHOT Show, and with three seasons under their belt and one on the way, this year’s event was bigger than ever. So big, that it was pretty much impossible to get a complete group shot of all but a few of the cast of
characters, but as you can see from the photos, everyone involved had a great time. In addition to just about all of the cast members from season 1 though 3, the contestants from season 4 were also in attendance. You will be able to watch them get their game on in just over a week, as Top Shot Season 4 premiers February 14th at 10/9 central.
Thanks to Crimson Trace and Top Shot Season 1 winner and Media Relations Manager for Crimson Trace, Iain Harrison, for hosting this unique event. I think you’re gonna need a bigger boat next year.

Tags: Crimson Trace·History·SHOT Show 2012·Top Shot·Top shot season 4
In addition to honoring our fallen soldiers on this Memorial Day, we would also like to say thank you to every member of the US military for bravely and selflessly defending us and our great nation.
Capitalist pig and I did not serve in the military, so we feel that it is our duty to find alternative ways that we can serve our country and assist veterans in any way possible. When we were at the NRA Meeting/Convention in Phoenix last week, we discovered a wonderful organization that we will be doing as much as possible to support, and we encourage you to do the same.
Honored American Veterans Afield or HAVA, was put together by some of the top names in the firearms industry, and they are dedicated to raising awareness and assisting disabled veterans with the healing process through active participation in outdoor sports. Their goal is to increase injured veteran’s confidence and hope for the future by reconnecting with their love of the outdoors and the American traditions of hunting and firearms.
We agree with HAVA in that “every veteran is a national hero that has earned our respect and support through valorous service in defense of our way of life.”
HAVA has already touched the lives of several injured veterans when they hosted a shooting event earlier this year for the Ft. Gordon Warrior Transition Battalion in Augusta, Georgia. The shooting event featured two-man teams consisting of a wounded warrior and a shooting sponsor in a three-gun competition with awards provided to the top three teams.
HAVA accepts individual donations as well as corporate sponsorship (starting at only $2500!) – you can make an individual donation to HAVA through this link, or click here for more information on HAVA corporate sponsorship opportunities.
We would like to say THANK YOU to Travis Noteboom from Crimson Trace and Tom Taylor from Remington for not only putting this great organization together but also for taking the time out of their busy schedule at the NRA show to discuss HAVA with us.
Tags: Civic Duty·Crimson Trace·HAVA·Honor the Military·NRA Convention·Remington·Veterans organizations