A 2nd Amendment rally was held in Phoenix, Arizona today, the ‘Day of Resistance’ rally, put on by the Phoenix TEA Party. This rally was well attended, with a crowd of 1,500 according to event organizers. Compare that figure to the showing at Congressman Matt Salmon’s office during the Obama For America/Organizing For Action’s National Day of Action in support of gun control. Coincidentally, Congressman Matt Salmon was a featured speaker at today’s pro-gun rally.

- Phoenix ‘Day of Resistance’ rally at the Arizona capitol. Pinal County Sheriff Paul Babeu speaking (visible on the right).
Much of the crowd was armed with revolvers, semi-auto handguns, AR-15s, and/or various other rifles. Despite the large number of armed individuals present, only two law enforcement officers were spotted at the rally. One Arizona Department of Public Safety officer who used his car to enforce closing the street in front of the capitol, providing safe passage for all of the pedestrian traffic. The other law enforcement officer was Pinal County Sheriff Paul Babeu, another featured speaker at the rally. As commenter Zermoid noted over at Shall Not Be Questioned, “The fact they felt they needed more cops for an anti rights rally than for a pro gun rally (where alot of the people were probably packing) says ALOT!”

Three local news stations were there to cover today’s event too. I haven’t watched any of the coverage of today’s event, but I have no reason to believe it will be any different than the coverage of last weekend’s pro-rights rally.
UPDATE (five minutes after posting): I forgot to mention this rally was competing with the International Sportsmen’s Expo, the big Crossroads of the West gun show, and the Winter Range – SASS National Championship of Cowboy Action Shooting at Ben Avery Shooting Range Facility.
UPDATE 2 (9:34AM 2/24/13): Local CBS affiliate KPHO 5 covered the rally without any fear-mongering nonsense.
Tags: 2nd amendment·America·Arizona·gun control·gun rally·Obama
Here’s where I think we’ll be when it all shakes out:

I know it may look to optimistic to some, but I think that Romney will take it with an overwhelming amount of electoral votes. I’d love to see Nevada turn red this year, but despite the horrendous economic conditions there, I think the muscle of the service workers unions puts Obama over the edge.
As far as the “swing states” go, Florida will handily go to Romney, and it will be close in Ohio, but no cigar for the Republicans. Colorado will comfortably go to Romney, and Paul Ryan’s good looks and ability to do math will bring Wisconsin to the dark side (where Walker will squeak it our for the win in the Senate race). I think Virgina will be close, with Romney ultimately getting the win after being the closest state race in the country.
And, a final local prediction – Arizona will go to Romney by at least 10 percent.
Tags: Obama·presidential election·Republicans
By now, you’ve probably heard that U.S. ambassador Chris Stevens, and three other American diplomats were murdered in Benghazi, Libya, coincidentally on September 11th, 2012. I say “coincidentally” because the U.S. media is weaving quite a tall tale in order to prevent any connection to President Obama’s foreign policy, or lack thereof.
How is this fairy tale woven?
Media outlets in the U.S. want you to believe that a Youtube video, posted two months ago, insulted the Muslim religion so much it’s frothing adherents had no choice but to go on a murderous rampage. The video is allegedly a trailer for a movie that apparently doesn’t really exist, performed by actors who swear they didn’t utter the lines in the video, which had offensive dialog dubbed into the clip, then was translated and re-dubbed into arabic with even more offensive dialog, by a man who doesn’t seem to exist, but is a Jewish/Coptic Israeli/Egyptian. The backlash from the video caused immediate protests (two months later) that magically turned violent.
This storyline is so perfect, that any criticism of arming the Muslim Brotherhood to overthrow dictator Mo Gaddafi during the “Arab Spring” is blasphemously “politicizing” this tragic, but predictable outcome for political gain. This is particularly true if you are applying for the job of President and believe you can provide a better outcome.
How is this story reported outside of Never Never Land?
Some group, most likely al-Qaida, meticulously planned an operation to target the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi in an attempt to kill the ambassador and as many other Americans possible to celebrate the anniversary of their September 11th, 2001 terror attack on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon. The State Department had received advanced warning of the attack. As with other al-Qaida attacks, this attack was preceded by a video from al-Qaida leader, Ayman al-Zawahiri. Ayman al-Zawahiri called on Libyans to avenge the death of his Libyan deputy, Abu Yahya al-Libi, in an American drone strike in June.
After attacking the consulate, terrorists armed with RPGs followed the staff to (or already knew) the official “safe house”. Some reports even say that precision mortar strikes rained down on the safe house. Hardly a spontaneous display of rage over an insulting video, but likely a show of force demonstrating that al-Qaida is still a threat.
Back in Never Never Land
Obama supporters in the U.S. media are desperately clinging to their fiction, lest the President’s foreign policy look like a failure. The American press actually expects Romney to refrain from commenting on world events, or they’ll make him look bad. After all, this horrid attack has happened days after the President received drooling praise at the DNC Convention last week, where they even gave him credit for the Arab Spring.
In a move so stupid it defies any sane explanation, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, General Martin Dempsey, called publicity whore Koran burning preacher Terry Jones to ask that he pull his support of the offensive video. At the highest levels of our government, the best national security plan they could come up with was calling a two-bit rabble-rouser in Florida and asking him to “tone it down”. I guess the administration believes Terry Jones is THE religious leader of America, and/or that radical Islamikazes will stop being suicidal terrorists if Jones gives the video a thumbs down.
Even American scholars are providing cover for the President by suggesting we further limit the First Amendment through banning “hate speech” (as determined by politicians). They don’t want you to realize the emperor has no clothes and is visibly ill-equipped to deal with national security issues that require quick, decisive, and effective action. The El Dorado Canyon kind of action that stopped old Mo from being a threat to U.S. citizens 26 years ago. Instead, the storytellers want another four years of the presidential puppet show.
Tags: America·first amendment·government·Obama·politicians·Politics·President Obama
It’s official now, the Obama Adminstration has created the Interwebs Police. On the whiteouse.gov’s blog, there is now a post called “Facts are Stubborn Things” (irony alert), and it states:
There is a lot of disinformation about health insurance reform out there, spanning from control of personal finances to end of life care. These rumors often travel just below the surface via chain emails or through casual conversation(emphasis mine). Since we can’t keep track of all of them here at the White House, we’re asking for your help. If you get an email or see something on the web about health insurance reform that seems fishy, send it to flag@whitehouse.gov.
Um, they didn’t just tell me to report my neighbor, co-worker, family member for having an opinion on the health care reform issue that doesn’t match the Obama libtard propaganda, did they? Anyone else thinking Germany between 1933 and 1945?
I don’t think it’s what they have in mind, but I’m going to take them up on this by sending them lots of website addresses like dailykos, Organizing for America and Moveon.org. Feel free to join in and overload their email with their own propaganda.
Hat tip to @calebhowe and @jonhenke on Twitter for bringing this site to our attention.
Tags: Health Care·health care bill·health care reform·internet police·libtards·Obama·obama administration
My new hero is a woman named Janet Contreras from our home state of Arizona. She wrote a brilliant letter to Glenn Beck, and I was just informed that he read it on the air today during the “Glenn Beck” Show on FOX.
I read the letter and I am moved. It’s almost exactly what I have been thinking and saying about the state of our Nation, how Democrats and Republicans don’t represent the people any longer, and how we, the people, will be coming for those who don’t care to represent us or the Constitution.
Here is the letter in full – The Glenn Beck Letter by Janet Contreras
IMHO, this letter is going to be BIG, and will serve as the rallying cry for those of us who are fed up with being overtaxed, overworked, and under-listened to.
Republican, Democrat or Libertarian – your party affiliation, or lack of, does not matter. You need to read this if you feel that you are no longer being represented.
In case you’re not sold yet, here’s one of my favorite paragraphs and one of the best statements:
From my perspective, it seems that all of you have gone insane. I also know that I am far from alone in these feelings. Do you honestly feel that your current pursuits have merit to patriotic Americans? We want it to stop. We want to put the brakes on everything that is being rushed by us and forced upon us. We want our voice back. You have forced us to put our lives on hold to straighten out the mess that you are making. We will have to give up our vacations, our time spent with our children, any relaxation time we may have had and money we cannot afford to spend on you to bring our concerns to Washington. Our president often knows all the right buzzword is unsustainable. Well, no kidding. How many tens of thousands of dollars did the focus group cost to come up with that word? We don’t want your overpriced words. Stop treating us like we’re morons.
We didn’t ask for this fight. But the gloves are coming off. We do not come in violence, but we are angry. You will represent us or you will be replaced with someone who will. There are candidates among us when he will rise like a Phoenix from the ashes that you have made of our constitution.
Tags: Congress·Conservative values·Democrats·Glenn Beck·Libertarian·Obama·Republicans
President Obama landed in Saudia Arabia yesterday to kick off his Rock the Casbah Middle East Tour 2009. His first show of the tour happened at Saudi King Abdullah’s ranch in al-Janadriya, just outside Riyadh. King Abdullah, in an act of stately hospitality and generousity, gave President Obama the ultimate bling, the King Abdul Aziz Order of Merit. During the presentation, you could hear the distant wailing of a mad Brit Prime Minister trying to get a US coded DVD to play at 10 Downing Street.

Obama Gets His Bling - Image courtesy of AFP, I owe you escargot next time I see you.

President Obama and King Abdullah - Image courtesy of AFP, thanks guys!
The whole scene reminded me of a music skit from the Comedy Central show, Mind of Mencia. Something about rich Arabs and heavy gold rope chains rang a bell. How about that! The video just happens to be right here. Don’t watch it if you are easily offended, hate rap music spoofs, hate cultural insensitivity, don’t like midgets, or are a member of Greenpeace.
Who says we impose our values on other countries?
In a demonstration of Republican party responsiveness to Meghan McCain‘s expert political advice, even before she became a Republican, former President George Bush got his bling on in Riyadh back in 2008.

President Bush gets his bling on - Photo courtesy of AP
Tags: cultural insensitivity·Humor·mind of mencia the rich sheik·Obama·obama bling·obama visit·political humor·saudi king abdullah·ultimate bling
The first event of the 2009 NRA Annual Meeting and Exhibits, held in Phoenix, Arizona, was the Grassroots Workshop put on by the NRA Institute for Legislative Action (ILA) at the Sheraton. The grassroots activists were seated by state, so that they could begin networking with other politically active members.
The workshop started with a rousing speech by Dick Heller of the Heller vs. D.C. Supreme Court case. Mr. Heller made history recently when he won his case and the Supreme Court, for the first time ever, affirmed that the 2nd Amendment protects an individual’s right to keep and bear arms. Mr. Heller continues to fight for gun rights and encouraged attendees to fight for their rights by recruiting new NRA members and actively supporting political candidates who support gun rights.
The Powerful Gun Lobby (Voters)
The grassroots attendees are what the media and anti-gun activists refer to as “the powerful gun lobby.” Looking around the room, it was obvious that the media’s bogeyman was a room filled with 375 average, politically conscious, neighborhood housewives, fathers, sons and daughters – all ordinary Americans.
Various NRA staff gave moving speeches and highlighted current legislative initiatives that either help protect the rights of gun owners, or threaten those rights. President Obama was praised several times for his stimulus of the gun industry and bolstering the NRA’s membership roster.

I'm a bitter gun owner and I vote.
Attendees at the workshop were encouraged to write, or call, their congressmen in opposition or support of gun related legislation. The get-out-the-vote message was also very clear. The message – encourage other gun owners to register to vote, vote in all available elections, and to join the NRA. Attendees were encouraged to exercise their rights to speak out, to peacefully assemble, to petition our government, to vote, and to keep and bear arms. American exceptionalism at its finest! We live in the only country in the world where these rights are enshrined. The NRA wants people to exercise all of their rights in order to protect their freedoms and insure liberty for all.
For additional information on legislative issues, or how you can become involved, please go to the NRA-ILA webpage.
Tags: America·Gun Laws·NRA Convention·NRA membership·Obama