Arizona’s newest (and most “progressive”) Congressional Representative has been noticeably absent in the current debate on gun rights since she was sworn in earlier this year. That’s now changed, and she’s finally responding to her constituent’s letters. I just received her response to one of the many emails I’ve sent regarding gun rights, and I’ve posted it below. Looks like she’s going to try and play both sides – not surprising, considering the number of Republican and Democrat gun owners in her district.
Dear Ms. XXXXXX,
Thank you for contacting me to share your views on the issue of gun violence. I appreciate you taking the time to make me aware of your position on this very important issue.
I believe strongly in the Second Amendment and that it guarantees individuals the right to own and bear arms. I also believe that it’s time for Congress to have a serious discussion on how we keep our kids, schools, and neighborhoods safe. This means discussing how we care for the mentally ill and how expanding universal background checks can be most effective.
I recognize that only a small minority of those afflicted with mental illness may ever become violent and believe that we can strengthen mental health services to help minimize that possibility. At the same time, we can and should prevent access to guns for the small minority of the mentally ill who are dangerous.
We cannot let politics get in the way of doing the right thing for our kids, families and the millions of responsible gun owners. As a former social worker at Sunnyslope and Shaw Butte Elementary schools in Phoenix, I understand the importance of this issue and am committed to having a discussion with all sides of the debate to pass legislation that helps protect all Americans. Should legislation regarding this issue be considered by the House of Representatives, I will keep your views in mind as we work on this complex and important subject.
Thank you again for taking the time to contact me. I encourage you to visit my website at for up-to-date information, press releases, and other information.

Kyrsten Sinema
Member of Congress
Thank you for the response, Ms. Sinema. If you’re serious about having that “discussion with all sides of the debate”, I am more than willing to have that discussion with you at any time, any place. You know how to reach me.
Tags: Arizona·gun rights·Kyrsten Sinema·Politics
The 2nd Amendment to the United States Constitution, as interpreted by Senator Dianne Feinstein:
A well regulated Militia collective, being necessary to the security of a free State Aristocracy, the right of the people to keep and bear registered Arms, shall not be infringed only be tolerated if approved for peasant possession under 18 U.S.C. § 922, section…until we dry up the supply of these weapons over time.
Tags: 2nd amendment·gun control·Guns·Politics·united states constitution
By now, you’ve probably heard that U.S. ambassador Chris Stevens, and three other American diplomats were murdered in Benghazi, Libya, coincidentally on September 11th, 2012. I say “coincidentally” because the U.S. media is weaving quite a tall tale in order to prevent any connection to President Obama’s foreign policy, or lack thereof.
How is this fairy tale woven?
Media outlets in the U.S. want you to believe that a Youtube video, posted two months ago, insulted the Muslim religion so much it’s frothing adherents had no choice but to go on a murderous rampage. The video is allegedly a trailer for a movie that apparently doesn’t really exist, performed by actors who swear they didn’t utter the lines in the video, which had offensive dialog dubbed into the clip, then was translated and re-dubbed into arabic with even more offensive dialog, by a man who doesn’t seem to exist, but is a Jewish/Coptic Israeli/Egyptian. The backlash from the video caused immediate protests (two months later) that magically turned violent.
This storyline is so perfect, that any criticism of arming the Muslim Brotherhood to overthrow dictator Mo Gaddafi during the “Arab Spring” is blasphemously “politicizing” this tragic, but predictable outcome for political gain. This is particularly true if you are applying for the job of President and believe you can provide a better outcome.
How is this story reported outside of Never Never Land?
Some group, most likely al-Qaida, meticulously planned an operation to target the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi in an attempt to kill the ambassador and as many other Americans possible to celebrate the anniversary of their September 11th, 2001 terror attack on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon. The State Department had received advanced warning of the attack. As with other al-Qaida attacks, this attack was preceded by a video from al-Qaida leader, Ayman al-Zawahiri. Ayman al-Zawahiri called on Libyans to avenge the death of his Libyan deputy, Abu Yahya al-Libi, in an American drone strike in June.
After attacking the consulate, terrorists armed with RPGs followed the staff to (or already knew) the official “safe house”. Some reports even say that precision mortar strikes rained down on the safe house. Hardly a spontaneous display of rage over an insulting video, but likely a show of force demonstrating that al-Qaida is still a threat.
Back in Never Never Land
Obama supporters in the U.S. media are desperately clinging to their fiction, lest the President’s foreign policy look like a failure. The American press actually expects Romney to refrain from commenting on world events, or they’ll make him look bad. After all, this horrid attack has happened days after the President received drooling praise at the DNC Convention last week, where they even gave him credit for the Arab Spring.
In a move so stupid it defies any sane explanation, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, General Martin Dempsey, called publicity whore Koran burning preacher Terry Jones to ask that he pull his support of the offensive video. At the highest levels of our government, the best national security plan they could come up with was calling a two-bit rabble-rouser in Florida and asking him to “tone it down”. I guess the administration believes Terry Jones is THE religious leader of America, and/or that radical Islamikazes will stop being suicidal terrorists if Jones gives the video a thumbs down.
Even American scholars are providing cover for the President by suggesting we further limit the First Amendment through banning “hate speech” (as determined by politicians). They don’t want you to realize the emperor has no clothes and is visibly ill-equipped to deal with national security issues that require quick, decisive, and effective action. The El Dorado Canyon kind of action that stopped old Mo from being a threat to U.S. citizens 26 years ago. Instead, the storytellers want another four years of the presidential puppet show.
Tags: America·first amendment·government·Obama·politicians·Politics·President Obama
Ten of Arizona’s County Sheriffs joined together to demand accountability for those involved in Operation Fast and Furious, a Federally sponsored gun running program which supplied weapons to Mexican drug cartels from at least ten U.S. cities. The Justice Department and Eric Holder have been obstructing a House Oversight Committee investigation into the operation that went as planned.
Cochise County Sheriff Larry Dever called Operation Fast and Furious a dishonor to law enforcement and a betrayal of law enforcement officers everywhere. These weapons have been used in crimes on both sides of the border. One of the weapons passed to the cartels by the Bureau of Alcohol Tobacco Firearms and Explosives (ATF) was used during the murder of Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry in December 2010. Agent Terry’s brother Kent Terry said,”My family and I are very thankful for the Sheriffs of Arizona and the fact they are helping us demand justice for my brother’s murder.”
Pinal County Sheriff Paul Babeu held the press conference at the base of the Peace Officers Memorial, where Agent Terry’s name has been etched.
Sheriff Babeu was joined by nine other Sheriffs, four other Republicans and five Democrats. They made the call for a special investigator into the operation, Eric Holder’s resignation or firing, and criminal charges for those accountable. Sheriff Babeu also noted the Sheriffs found out about the operation through press accounts. (months after the Sipsey Street Irregulars blog broke the story.) He also suggested that the investigation needs to investigate other departments involved in the operation, such as the FBI, DEA, Department of Homeland Security, and the State Department.
Sheriff Larry Dever expressed his embarrassment that he had to apologize for the criminal actions of other elected officials.
One reporter noted a prior operation called Operation Wide Receiver, and mindlessly alluded to this being a partisan jab. If the lazy, partisan reporter had bothered to spend a minute on Google, she would have found out that the firearms in Operation Wide Receiver actually had tracking devices and were under surveillance. Operation Wide Receiver didn’t go as planned, the guns were lost and the program cancelled as a failure. The lazy reporter could then understand that a plan to illegally sell firearms to felons to deliver to Mexican drug cartels, without tracking or surveillance, could not be the next step in an investigation.
Navajo County Sheriff KC Clark said, “I’m outraged that our own Federal Government has betrayed local law enforcement by arming violent foreign criminals and it now appears that Attorney General Eric Holder may have lied under oath.”
Yavapai County Sheriff Scott Mascher said, “The Attorney General can’t be trusted to fairly self-investigate these possible criminal charges of gun running which has resulted in murders of both individuals from the U.S. and Mexico. A Special Counsel must be appointed.”
Previously, pro-second Amendment blogger Bob Owens was a lone voice calling for a Special Prosecutor. As more and more evidence of perjury and White House participation are released, the chorus grows stronger. Even congressman Paul Gosar has suggested that participants in this illegal operation are “vigilantes from DOJ going unchecked” and accessories to murder.
It is time for the President’s staff to stop playing politics with Operation Fast and Furious. This scandal is worse than Watergate, as people have been murdered in this scandal. The President must appoint a special investigator to bring those responsible to justice, or have the history of his administration forever tarnished by this corrupt, murderous operation.
You can watch part 1 of 2 of the Arizona Sheriffs Press Conference – Fast and Furious on Sheriff Babeu’s Facebook page:
Part 2 of 2 of the Arizona Sheriffs Press Conference – Fast and Furious on Sheriff Babeu’s Facebook page.
Tags: alcohol tobacco firearms·bureau of alcohol tobacco firearms·Congress·federal government·Politics·second amendment
The Arizona Citizens Defense League (AzCDL) held their annual luncheon on Saturday in Tucson. If you are unfamiliar with AzCDL‘s mission:
The purpose of the Arizona Citizens Defense League is to protect individual freedom and laws that attend to it through lobbying, petitioning, fund raising and all lawful means to enforce Article 2, Section 2 of the Constitution of the State of Arizona.
You want to know what Article 2, Section 2 of the Arizona Constitution is about? Well, I’m glad you asked. Article 2, Section 2 states:
Article 2 – Political power; purpose of government
Section 2.
All political power is inherent in the people, and governments derive their just powers from the consent of the governed, and are established to protect and maintain individual rights.
Mz. VRWC and I headed down to the Old Pueblo for the annual celebration of individual rights and some great BBQ. About 400 of AzCDL’s 5,000 members attended the luncheon, and almost everyone open-carried, with a few concealing.
For an event like this, it is customary for the attendees to get dressed up a bit. For many, it meant opening the gun safe and grabbing a pretty gun appropriate for this special event (much like having a strand of pearls or a tuxedo for special occasions).
We had a tasty lunch of barbequed chicken, pork ribs, and beef tri-tip, slaw salad, cobblers and more, catered by Sapphire Catering. As we finished our meal, AzCDL Communications Director and JPFO Executive Director, Charles Heller spoke to the crowd for a bit before turning the microphone over to Arizona State Representative Brenda Barton (AzCDL rated A+) to introduce the rest of the speakers. The speakers included Gabriela Saucedo Mercer, candidate for the Arizona District 7 House seat (running against Raul “boycott my state” Grijalva) and Arizona State Senator Frank Antenori (who is considering a run to replace Rep. Gabriel Giffords). Also in attendance, AZ State Representative John Kavanagh, accepting a lifetime achievement award on behalf of AZ State Senator Russell Pearce, AZ State Senator Paula Aboud, as well as chief’s of staff for various other legislators. It’s always good to see that elected citizens aren’t afraid to be around those they represent.
There were even raffles for various firearms. Despite the Smallest Minority handing us two raffle tickets before retiring for an early siesta, we did not win the Ruger LC9 he should have won. However we did steal win a faux zebra skin rifle case (perfect for Mz. VRWC’s tactical shotgun) and a family membership to Shooters World, an air conditioned indoor range in Phoenix, at the silent auction.
Long story short, the annual luncheon was a pleasure and again, members were given the microphone to suggest new laws they wanted to fight for, as well as laws they wanted repealed. I have no doubt that AzCDL will continue the fight to maintain and regain our liberties.
Bottom line, don’t pay any attention to the lazy hippies and communists putting on their Occupy Wall Street demonstration (sidewalk camping). They won’t accomplish anything sitting around whining for “change” and whining for handouts. Joining, supporting, and participating in a group that represents and lobbies for your interests will get you the government you want and deserve.
If your state doesn’t have an organization like AzCDL, consider starting your own group. Citizens have a right to the same access and persuasion as any other special interest. The power is yours, if you want it.

Tags: Arizona·arizona constitution·arizona state representative·government·individual freedom·Laws·legislators·Politics
PETA is demanding that San Francisco change the name of the slummy Tenderloin District to some kind of cruelty-free food product. This is a shocking request, mostly because I didn’t know there was a far leftist group trying to hijack the acronym of the well-known People Eating Tasty Animals group. This trademark thieving group would like everyone to eat Tofu and other synthetic foods, like Soylent Green.
In an effort to help make this ghetto area of San Francisco more appealing to tourists, I’ve assembled a list of suitable alternative names, in no particular order:
- The Bacon District – Vegans can claim it’s named after Kevin Bacon, the rest of us can appreciate the cured pork goodness of an area named after America’s favorite meat.
- Foie Gras District – Renaming the area the Foie Gras District will lend an air of French sophistication and appeal to those who wish to remake America using Europe’s failings.
- The Veal District – This name would create a vibrant image for a younger crowd.
- Tuna Safe Dolphin District – This could become the hub of great sushi in the San Fran area, while making a statement against dolphin fisherman who don’t care about how many tuna die in the cove. Think of the tourist dollars this would bring to the area!
- Can’t Lift Heavy Objects District – A name accurately reflecting the fruitopian reality they seek.
- Youthanasia – A name that reaches the core of PETA’s mission to eliminate pet ownership, while feigning care.
- Kobe Beef District – Named for a pampered breed of cattle that is fed lots of beer and receives daily massages. It doesn’t get anymore ethical than that!
- Bob Parsons District – Bob Parsons, the charismatic CEO of, recently created a controversy by stopping a rogue elephant, while feeding the village he saved from the trampling beast. This would be a great way to recognize a man who spared a large number of people from starvation.
- TurBaconEpic District – Words cannot describe the beauty of TurBaconEpic, just watch the video at the link (Rated ER – viewer discretion advised, watching may cause a coronary) .
- Feel free to leave your best suggestion in the comments below!
Hat Tip to Sea to Shining Sea aka on Twitter, DesertGardens
Tags: America·kevin bacon·people eating tasty animals·Politics·tenderloin district
I’ve been meaning to learn more about Buz Mills – Gunsite owner and candidate for Arizona Governor. Yesterday, I received a Buz Mills brochure in the mail, and I was struck by a simple, yet powerful statement made on the back cover:
Committed Conservative
Successful Entrepreneur
Sounds good, but I’m going to need to know more. If he’s half as good as he sounds, I’m all in.
Looks like I’m not the only one that’s liking what they’ve seen so far. Rasmussen Reports conducted a telephone survey of likely voters in Arizona last week , and in a head-to-head match up with Terry Goddard (current AZ Attorney General), Buz Mills leads Goddard 43% to 37%.
Tags: Arizona·arizona governor·candidate·NRA·platform·Politics·Republicans